Ebay currently does not provide its own logistics services. Sellers must select, package and ship orders themselves, or find an independent supplier to do this for them. For enterprises selling through other channels, this may not be a problem. All they have to do is add eBay orders to the existing system. For sellers without this ability, Ebay must start from scratch or find a 3pl cooperation.
Shipping From China to FBA USA: Step-by-Step
Step1: Choose Direct or Indirect Shipping to Amazon.
Step2: Decide on the Shipping Mode.
Step3: Establish Incoterms.
Step4: Reach Out for Freight Quotes.
Step5: Know Your Product HS Codes.
Step6: Get Your Shipment Moving.
Step7: Import Customs Clearance.
The best price and service can help you ship from China
1. There is no need to worry about the transportation of goods to the Amazon warehouse, one step is in place.
2. Ship the goods to Amazon warehouses in the United States, European countries, Japan, and Canada by DDP.
3. Various transportation methods from DDP to Amazon warehouse: rail, air and sea.
4. Fast line or slow line to meet different delivery time requirements.
5. To European countries, rail is cheaper and faster than sea.
6. The weight transparency can be photographed and verified before shipment.
7. Make some small service improvements every day. These incremental performance improvements provide you with better service.
8. Make sure that your cooperation experience with us is as simple, smooth and reliable as possible.
If you sell on eBay or your own online store, you can also take advantage of Amazon's fulfillment network... By using FBA, you can obtain a wealth of logistics expertise, so that your business can develop, but this comes at a price.
EBay managed delivery works similarly to Amazon FBA and Delivery. It will provide sellers with storage, packaging, and delivery functions to speed up delivery time and reduce delivery costs.
Shopify's cheapest plan starts at $29 per month. When paying with non-Shopify, the credit card transaction fee is 2.9% + $0.30. When paying with Shopify, there is no charge... EBay does not charge monthly fees, although they charge so-called insertion fees and final value fees.